Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

The Holy Spirit and Salvation in Acts_New Testment Survey

The Holy Spirit and Salvation in Acts_New Testment Survey

Q find one passage in Acts that mentions the Holy Spirit and one passage in Acts that uses some word related to salvation (e.g. salvation, savior, saving, saved, etc.). To limit your search to Acts, click on the "Book" menu and scroll down to select "Acts." Then click on “Find It!” to do your search. The first paragraph should discuss the role of the Holy Spirit in Acts, citing the passage you found in #4. The second paragraph should discuss the nature of salvation, citing the passage you found in #4. 

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All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them” (Acts 2:4, New International Version). The apostles had been promised that they would be given the power to speak in a different tongue than that of what was spoken and this was the moment they had been waiting for as they were gifted by the Holy Spirit to speak in a language that was only known to a few,